A horribly unfinished Skrillex cover from ages ago. But maybe someone will find something helpful about it.
Only registered users who have uploaded content can download other people's songs.
or better yet, just email the .sav please, :)
I did both :D
can you email it to me too ?
send my email :) or
Yo Zaal,
I'd love to hear this, but it wont reference the upload properly.
I reckon it's cause there's an & symbol in the filename (I have a similar problem with other CMS'es)
Just thought I'd mention that.... try removing the & symbol :) I'm sure many others including my self would love to hear this :))
can you re-upload this track? the link is broken
or better yet, just email the .sav please, :)
I did both :D
I did both :D
still broken?
can you email it to me too ?
send my email
send my email :)
404 - probally the ' & ' symbol
Yo Zaal,
I'd love to hear this, but it wont reference the upload properly.
I reckon it's cause there's an & symbol in the filename
(I have a similar problem with other CMS'es)
Just thought I'd mention that.... try removing the & symbol :) I'm sure many others including my self would love to hear this :))